Fasting for a newly shaped body seems to be all the rage these days. I’m a fan, but do you know the most life-changing reason to fast? For me, it’s to grow my relationship with Christ.
Food always comes to mind first when we think about abstaining from something we love to become closer to God. But there are so many other unhealthy obsessions we could release with this powerful tool.
Have you considered your Netflix binge-watching addiction, Amazon overstuffed cart issue, or even that constant need to worry about things that may not ever happen?
I get it. I’m guilty of all of the above and then some…
If you’ve been in this little online space before, you know I struggle with food addiction, specifically sugar. (Check out 31 Days to Food Addiction Recovery or my Turning to Food series for more on this topic!) This is what started me on the path to fasting through the ever so popular Intermittent Fasting trend.
I must say it helped tremendously with physical issues, but the even greater reward was how it triggered me to study spiritual fasting. Learning that I could get rid of those unhealthy idols in my life, the ones shutting me off from my precious time with God, was a game changer for me.

By telling God He comes before sugar, shopping, screens, social media…, we strengthen our bond with Him. Substitute the time usually spent in these areas for prayer, reading your Bible, and just listening for that still small voice.
Here’s the key—choose one of your issues at a time. I personally like to fast from something for 40 days to get the full benefit of release and freedom. You may prefer to change your fast daily, weekly, or monthly.

Key #2—whatever time frame you choose, don’t struggle through it alone. When you feel the urge to buy that cute purse, scroll Instagram for connection, or binge on some chocolate cake, go to Him instead. This has increased my daily moments with God exponentially.
Fasting is a part of my life now, every single day. I follow this idea from one of my favorite authors:
Instead of setting aside a season to fast, choose seasons not to fast. Take breaks from the intimate practice of fasting in order to spend more time enjoying the things of this world—rather than the other way around. When friends are in town or the holidays are upon us or you’re traveling, fast from fasting.
~Wendy Speake, The 40-Day Sugar Fast
Make fasting a natural part of your daily life and finally let go of the things of this world holding you back from the pure JOY only God can bring. This is a joy like no other, not possible through Facebook, online shopping, or even one more episode of that new series you adore.
For more help in this area, including how to create your own list of unhealthy habits to release, try The Joy of Fasting Workbook in the Body Mind Soul Essentials Planning System!
What do you need to fast from first? Let me know in the comments. I would love to chat with you!

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