It seems like everything I try to do these days takes a monumental amount of effort I just don’t have the energy to keep up. Can you relate? I want to be that woman known for persevering, not giving up when life gets hard.
I’ve recently changed hosting providers and domain names for my blog. This online space is now, formerly known as (You can read more about my decision for this change in Meet Candace.) I thought this would be an easy move, but of course, I ended up spending hours on things I had originally planned no time for.
It took 6 days and over 50 dialogues to get a working email through my current host. The negative, gives-up-far-too-easy girl inside me was ready to just quit, tagging the experience as a sign from God. Each new frustrating conversation with tech support brought visions of packing up and letting the blog go. But I didn’t. I kept persevering through each failed attempt.
Finally, feeling at the end of my rope, my email broke free and starting functioning properly. My new elated mood prompted my philosophical husband to remind me how beautiful these moments are. Those times when we think we can’t move forward another inch but with just a little more effort, the solution is found. And oh what a euphoric feeling that solution can bring.
He reminded me how this correlates with when we finally get to Heaven. How much sweeter will that moment be after all the difficulties life brings us. We aren’t supposed to get comfortable here on earth. It’s not our final resting place. That yearning for Heaven, the ultimate solution to our hard lives and daily problems, is what God wants for us.
He will wipe away every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or sadness. There will be no more crying or pain. Things are no longer the way they used to be.
~Revelation 21:4 (NIRV)
As our children start back to school, we want to be a shining example of persevering. My son is already dreading upcoming nights filled with homework and studying. I want to help him remember how Paul so lovingly felt about fighting the good fight, finishing the race, longing for the Lord, and receiving that beautiful crown of righteousness.
I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day—and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for his appearing.
~2 Timothy 4:7-8 (NIV)
And let’s not forget about this incredible chain reaction: suffering→perseverance→character→hope
Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope.
~Romans 5:3-4
Perseverance can actually turn suffering into hope. Darkness turns to light. We must live through those difficult, uncomfortable situations to really understand those incredible moments of triumph.
I’m so thankful to have this new space up and running properly, and I’m really quite happy with my new hosting provider. I can honestly say I’m fighting the good fight, whether it’s watching my sometimes overbearing mouth with a sweet tech support team or continuing on my food addiction journey regardless of the detours. I’m soldiering forward, staying ready for the day Jesus comes back for us.
Whatever you are struggling with today or wanting to give up on, press on, my friend. The light is coming…
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I’m glad you got everything working. I need to try to export some blog posts from my first blog and put them with my current blog. I initially thought I could manage two blogs (I sometimes am way too ambitious…lol) but now I just want to get rid of it. But I need to take some time too export a few blog posts. I’m afraid it will take more time than I want to spend on it. Thanks for giving me some motivation to get it done.
I’m way too ambitious at times as well, Sonya. I can so relate. I just moved my entire blog over even though there are still a lot of creations that don’t go with my new theme. I really didn’t have the energy to clean it out :). I can’t imagine trying to manage two blogs. I can definitely see why you want out of that situation!
My sweet friend I commend your STICK-to-it-tiveness! I can so relate the feelings of wanting to relent and wave the white flag of surrender with tech issues. I have overcome SERIOUS life obstacles but tech issues are my kryptonite. Building my blog was one of the hardest tasks I’ve ever had to do in my life. In fact, some days I did give up. To be honest my blog has been broken on the back end since its launch 10/25/14. I can’t even use plug ins because the site has problems. Nonetheless friend, we plod on in obedience to Christ.
I can’t imagine not being able to use plugins, Tyra. They make my life a lot easier :). Building my blog has been incredibly difficult as well. I have a degree in computer science and still find myself in tears at times not being able to figure something out. It’s so frustrating but I couldn’t agree with you more that we must “plod on in obedience to Christ.” That makes it all worth it!
Love your words! Perseverance is a lesson I come back to often. I have to ask myself if I am willing and ready to stay the course. I want to model for others that perseverance sometimes has it challenges and there are setbacks along the way, but it is a matter of whether you reach the end goal or not. You are an example of perseverance even if you don’t see it. Extend yourself grace for those times that you feel like you are moving backward instead of forward. You will eventually make it where you are going when you trust God to get you there. Love and hugs friend!
How funny that I was visiting you at the same time you were here :). Thanks so much for your sweet encouragement, Mary. I definitely need to remember to extend myself grace. It’s sad how much better we are at offering that to others than to ourselves. Love and hugs to you, my friend!
Hi Candace,
I love your honesty and wise words about how good it feels when you persevere and things suddenly work or become clear! Hope things more smoothly from this point on with technology! 🙂
Thank you, Valerie. It amazes me that I have a college degree in computer science and still have these crazy tech struggles. Thankfully, things are running quite smoothly now.
Such a good reminder to cling to the fruit that comes through perseverance in those moments when we just want to give up. Congrats on the new site! Glad to be your neighbor at Holley’s place.
That fruit really makes it all worthwhile, Becky. Thanks so much for stopping by :).
Ah, such an encouraging read to start my day Candace! I’m SO GLAD you made it through the mess of “tech stuff’ (oh, do I hate it- I swear there are two things that make me unravel- bad drivers and COMPUTER/SITE TECH STUFF GONE WRONG!!)
“And let’s not forget about this incredible chain reaction: suffering→perseverance→character→hope” <– YES. Thank you for this reminder, my friend.
Don’t even get me started on bad drivers, Chris! I must say your state has a great deal of them, my friend ;). Tech stuff can be my absolute unraveling. Sometimes it just makes no sense why something isn’t working. But that wonderful chain reaction truly makes the suffering bearable.
Hi, Candace
I can fully empathize with the feeling of being drained and at the end of my rope, wanting to give up, but at the last minute, pulling through. Waiting and perseverance are difficult lessons to learn. It does give us hope and strength to press on when we remember our eternal reward, though. Thanks for sharing. Stopping over from “Coffee for Your Heart” link-up.
They are some of the most difficult lessons to learn, Ann. Patience is unfortunately not one of my virtues ;). Thoughts of our eternal reward can really change everything for us. Thanks for stopping by!
Perfect timing, Candace! We are in another period of Joseph looking for a job. This is so hard to see them get a degree and no entry level jobs available. So, we are persevering. Drives me nuts, but this is the season we are in. God has the perfect plan and we don’t! So, we have stepped into this trial. We are staying it it. As we do, we wait on God and trust Him. Keep writing, love you❤️
Hi Mary! I’ll be praying for Joseph too, my dear friend. That is a tough situation. They work so hard at school and then get out into the world without the reward of a good job. You are so right though: God has the perfect plan. He will reveal it in His time, but I know how difficult the waiting can be. Love you!
I’m glad you got everything working! This is such a great reminder about persevering 🙂
Thank you, Akaleistar! It’s nice to be back :).
Always so encouraging and uplifting.
Thank you and have a wonderful week ahead.
Thanks so much, Lux! It’s always great to see you :). I hope you have a wonderful week as well.