I’m in a season of nesting right now. I haven’t posted in over 2 weeks and greatly enjoyed some much needed time taking care of my family and home. I’m so happy to be back today sharing a couple of recent celebrations and an awesome book I just read.
My beautiful daughter just graduated from Cosmetology School! The first graduate in 3 generations of Beauty School attendees. I made it a few months and years later ended up with a Computer Science degree. My mom only lasted a couple of weeks and later chose a career in Real Estate. We are so proud of our talented little hair stylist, and I will have free cuts and color for life…
We celebrated my son’s last birthday before the teen years set in. The family parties lasted all last week and I’m preparing for his friend party tomorrow. He starts middle school next week. So many milestones…
Yes, those are Christmas dishes in the background. I obviously needed this time to nest, although I must admit, those dishes are still there…
As He always does, God led me to the perfect book for my nesting season — The Nesting Place: It Doesn’t Have to Be Perfect to Be Beautiful by Myquillyn Smith, aka The Nester.
I have been paralyzed by perfectionism for far too long. My entire house is the same shade of tan because of my fear of getting paint “out of the lines.” I put off decorating my home out of worries that it will never be perfect, never looking like it should grace the pages of a magazine.
As women, we ache to believe that real beauty can be found in the midst of imperfection. We are crying out for permission to lower our standards. Let yourself know: permission granted.
~Myquillyn Smith
This wonderful book enlightened me. It gave me not only permission, but reasons to take a chance in decorating. I want to make a beautiful, comfortable, fun home for my precious family.
One of her fabulous tips is to go shopping in your home. Don’t be afraid to use things in different places, like dressers in the living room… I came across an adorable chandelier boxed up in my basement. It used to be in my daughter’s room years ago and has been collecting dust ever since.
My husband was less than thrilled when I decided to put it in my bathroom. After he installed it, he liked it almost as much as I do.
I even got the courage to paint the room a fun, bright color. It took me almost 2 days to do it, and I had to call in my daughter’s best friend to finish the line where the wall meets the ceiling. That section would have caused a nervous breakdown. Baby steps…
I’m working on my living room now. It’s a 70’s theme — green shag carpet included. I’ll definitely share pictures of it when finished.
I absolutely love Myquillyn’s book. I bought it for my kindle from Amazon. You can get your own copy here:
(Note: I am an Amazon affiliate. If you click through and purchase from the above link, a small amount will go to help support this site, at no additional cost to you.)
She includes some great pictures of her home, including what it looks like on normal days, which was incredibly freeing.
No home with people living and loving in it always looks like something out of the pages of a magazine. This I really needed to be assured of and I’m forever grateful to Myquillyn for her openness and honesty.

So great to have one of your posts pop into my inbox!
Candace, Congrats to your daughter…I love that photo of her…how adorable. It seems to capture her personality! How exciting for her.You know if we were local, I’d be booking salon appts with her as well!!
The book rec is so awesome. Thank you. I’ll reserve that from the lib…can’t wait to get it in hand.
Lastly, your bathroom is just about the grandest and prettiest I’ve ever seen. Wow, the chandelier is perfect in there….but the bathroom is simply gorgeous!!
Candace, I have to ask a “cleaning” ques: I hope you don;t mind! We, too, have glass doors and theya re SO hard to keep clean. . I had been using CLR and it started leaving a “film.” Then I used this product, I think it was called, “Fresh Shower,” by Lysol —– you just spray it on a wet door and let it go to work…..well, it really doesn’t work great. I began using an SOS pad for grimy areas and I’m sure that’s not good. What do you use…have you discovered anything? I can stop back here in your combox at some point ….no rush, really. :)We’re in touch often.
I also love your colors…what a lovely room!
Great post!! Looking forward to more ~
Enjoy your day and your weekend!
Hi Chris! I’m so glad to see you are back as well, my friend! Thank you for your incredibly sweet comment. You are always so encouraging :). Those shower doors are a nightmare. This picture fortunately has dimmed lights so you can’t see my grime marks. I have found something that works pretty good though! Dryer sheets. I know it sounds crazy. My husband actually read it somewhere and I have been using them ever since. I wipe them with a used dryer sheet when I’m in the shower while the glass is wet. I don’t know if you can use new ones. I’m a recycler though so I’ve always done it with my used ones. I hope that helps :)! I’m loving your stories about your amazing vacation!!
THANKS! I will def try that!!
I bought a ton of dryer sheets on sake and I always for get to use themLOL Now, they’ll havea purpose!
Thanks for the tip….. I’ll be in touch.
No problem, Chris! I hope it works for you :).
I LOVE your bathroom! Great job! I am so jealous of your free haircuts and coloring. I need both right now!
Thanks so much Tammy! I’m really excited about the free hair :). It is a huge perk for me since I love to change my hair color often! She is really talented too, thankfully.
I LOVE the chandelier in the bathroom. So pretty and girly. But don’t tell your hubby I said that. Congrats to your daughter!!
We have so much in common. My mom, her sister and 2 sister in laws all were beauticians forever. My mom just retired a few years ago and moved to Florida. I also have a degree in Computer Science from back in the 1970’s. Oh my how computer science has changed.
Thanks Tammy! I won’t tell him :). I agree though. It’s like a princess room now.
We do have a lot in common! It must have been nice to have so many beauticians in the family. I love changing my hair and have probably put a lot of money in it over the years.
Computer science has changed so much. I haven’t worked in programming for 14 years and don’t think I would qualify for a job in it today. It’s nice to learn about our similarities!
Your bathroom is lovely! Happy 12th birthday to your son and congratulations to your daughter. All GREAT things!
Thanks so much, Jen! There’s lots of fun stuff happening at my house right now :).
I love the chandelier that you added to your bathroom. It looks great in there. I can’t wait to see your other design changes.
Thank you Sonya! I’m excited about my living room too. It’s going to take a little longer to finish, but hopefully I’ll have pictures up soon :).
Looks lik e a beautiful home. The bathroom looks so good! Home decor could be challenging but I think you are in the right direction to making it warm for your family. BTW: don’t mind the Christmas dishes! Congrats to your beautiful daughter!
It can be so challenging! I always second guess my choices and opinions. It’s August now so I might as well just leave the dishes until Christmas this year :). Thanks for your sweet comment, Zan!
I would’ve never known those were Christmas dishes! I agree…you might as well keep them out for this year. When it comes to a messy house, I always look at it and say, “It’s lived in and I’ve made memories in the mess!” (Although I do make an effort to clean when company comes!)
Congrats to your daughter and my prayers will be with you as your son starts middle school. 🙂 That’s when kids’ hormones kick in and they are together in mass!
I’m so glad to see you back, Terri! I didn’t recognize the blog name in your other comment, but just went to check it out and saw it is you :).
Yes, the dishes are staying for this year. I can live with them for a few more months. I’m the same way about company coming- I clean for them. Usually it’s a running around, crazy, stressful cleaning, but a cleaning nonetheless. Thanks for the prayers. We will need them! I’m pretty stressed out on him starting middle school. And stress is never good for my mental health status…
Thanks for the perfection note. I never do anything because I am not happy with the results because I know where the “mistakes” are. Need to get over it!!! No one is perfect. Clean your house as if some one is coming! That is what I try to do! You never get anything done if you try to do a perfect job–glad you have a friend to help you paint. As I get older I make more mistakes, but love to paint. Keep trying we all have our faults just keep on keeping on!!!
Thanks for the encouragement, Donna Marie! I completely agree- “You never get anything done if you try to do a perfect job.” I’m so tired of not getting anything done! I’ve been really focusing on my perfectionism issue for the past year. It’s a long road, but I’ve made a lot of progress :).
Hey Candace … wasn’t this a fun book? What a fabulous summer read … I got a copy for each of my girls for their birthdays.
Let’s stop aiming for perfection and enjoy the uniqueness of our spaces. YES!
Perfectionism robs us of so much. A unique, eclectic, lived-in space is way better than a perfect space :). It is a fantastic book! What a great gift. I’m going to get a couple of extra copies and save for housewarming gifts. Thanks for the idea, Linda!
Housewarming gifts! Cool idea!
Loved reading this post. This is a book on my “to read” list which I think is now becoming a must 🙂 I love the way the chandelier looks in your bathroom! So glad to have stopped here today from Three Word Wed.
It is definitely a must read, Joanne! I’m so blessed it came to me when it did. God’s perfect timing… Thanks so much for stopping in today :)!
Love so many things about this post. Yay! for your daughter’s great accomplisment (I’m married to a hairdresser and those for-life colors and cuts are, well, priceless!!!). Your son’s birthday and promo to Middle School. And, those Christmas dishes still in your hutch – they’re pretty and, hey, the season will be upon us in no time! I bought Myquillon’s book for my daughter and we both just love it and her blog. And, one more thing to say, I’m dropping by from Beth’s Three Word Wednesday!
yes, I left out the h in accomplishment!!!!
Thank you, Susan! Yes, those cuts and colors are priceless, especially for those of us who like to change our hair a lot :). I love the Nester’s blog as well. She has so many fun and uplifting ideas! I participated in her 31 days linkup last year and have been a fan ever since.
I love the aqua ish blue. (thats my favorite color) and I agree about the chandelier. All the milestones, (free color and cut is something to grin big over) and this nice restful time of sprucing up your nest and stepping out on the edge sounds like some honey for the soul. Thanks for the book recommendation. I’ve been wanting to read it and will definitely do so!
It’s a great book, Somer! I hope you enjoy it. I’ve really basked in this season of family and nesting. It’s definitely been “honey for the soul,” love that :).
I keep hearing about this book but I haven’t read it yet. It sounds like it is very freeing in terms of making our houses a home by giving ourselves the permission to do it. SO glad I stopped by from Beth’s today and so glad to see you again! Hope the beginning of the school year is not too stressful and that it is successful for all.
I’m so glad you stopped by too, Mary! It’s always a pleasure to see you. If you keep hearing about the book, it must mean you need to read it ;). I’m obsessed with reading right now. I just ordered 3 more books a few minutes ago. So far middle school is a success for my son. I hope your school year is off to a great start too!
Congrats to your daughter and happy birthday to your son! I so want this book. I’m a scardy-cat with decorating and I’ve heard so many wonderful things about the book. And you’ve inspired me with this post and seeing how you jumped right in. Smiling.
It was wonderful to see you back at Three Word Wednesday. Thanks for sharing this post. Blessings.
It was great to join in again this week. Thanks for offering such a wonderful linkup, Beth. There’s always so many wonderful posts to read and I’m really enjoying your love series! This book will definitely give you courage in decorating. I think the best thing it gave me was permission to be imperfect, which is so freeing. Blessings to you!
Congrats to your daughter! Oh how I wish I was good at hair cuts and color…I tried on my daughter once, and now she refuses to let me “play” again. Boo!
I’ve been missing you at #GrowingCirclesHop lately, and I thought I’d swing by and say hello. I too have been taking a bit of a blog break. It’s like a breath of fresh air. Breaks are really needed sometimes to just relax and unwind. =0)
I hope you’ve been doing well!
Your friend,
Hi Kim! How sweet of you to come check on me! I’ve been missing you and your G+ party as well. I really hope to be back this week. I’m having a hard time getting back into the swing of things :). Thankfully, my daughter is quite talented with hair. I’m sorry yours won’t let you play with her hair anymore ;). Don’t give up. I hope all is well with you, my friend!
your home is beautiful! I’ve been dying to read this book! is it the same on kindle as it is in physical form? I always hear about some books being different in electronic version so that always makes me worry im going to miss out on something good!
Thank you, Victoria! I have lived here for about 8 years and am just now getting around to decorating. This book has helped tremendously. I know what you mean about Kindle versions. I was a little worried too, but I thought the pictures looked great in the e-version. I haven’t seen the actual book so I’m not sure if there are differences. I read through some of the Amazon comments and didn’t see any complaints. I hope that helps :).