Happy New Year! I hope you enjoyed a meaningful Christmas season with the people you love. I’m excited to return today after a few weeks away hanging out with my precious family. Time off is so important, but I must admit to greatly missing you and this space. I want to share three incredible lessons that […]
The Truth About Marriage
Last week, I unplugged with my husband to celebrate our 15th wedding anniversary. We planned a trip many months ago to the tropical paradise of Aruba. With my husband’s extensive business travel last year, we got the entire trip for free which made it even more exciting. Monday morning, we finally boarded the plane headed […]
Tell Your Story
We all have a story to tell. Maybe yours is about addiction like mine. You could be deeply scarred by the physical, emotional, or sexual abuse of your past. Perhaps you struggled through infertility and miscarriage. Regardless of what pain has consumed you. Whether you are fully healed today or not, I want to encourage you […]
From Grief to Grace
Sixteen years ago, we buried my daughter’s father. It remains to this day one of the greatest losses of my life. My daughter still struggles on many levels from the grief that stole too much of her childhood. I was so young and wild when I married him after a two-day courtship. Five years later, […]
Perfectionist Kids and Report Cards
A letter to my perfectionist 13-year-old son while he comes to grips with his first B… To my precious boy, I can’t begin to tell you how thrilled I am to see that very first B on your report card. It broke your perfect A streak and brought so many important lessons with it. As […]
When You Just Don’t Want To…
Do you ever get in a cycle of not wanting to do anything? I have been there often lately. I heard Patsy Clairmont speak last month at Women of Faith. She is truly amazing. I could so relate to her on many levels. She shared a story of when she was bedridden from an overwhelming […]