I hope you are having a wonderful summer! This online space pretty much shut down over the past month while I adjusted to a summer schedule and enjoyed time with my family. I’m glad to be back today sharing about my long, beautiful journey to building spiritual friendships. Thanks so much for being here… I’m an […]
3 Truths About Life and Love From Jen Hatmaker
I recently read an amazing book about life and love from Jen Hatmaker called For the Love. There are so many great takeaways, but I really want to share 3 of them with you today. 1. Balance is a beautiful thought but not a realistic goal. “Balance. It’s like a unicorn; we’ve heard about it, […]
When It’s Time to Change
Do you remember that song from the Brady Bunch where Peter belts out lyrics about change in his cracking pubescent voice? When it’s time to change, you’ve got to rearrange who you are and what you’re gonna be… Those words are constantly singing in my head these days. I’m in the midst of big changes. […]
Letting Our Husbands Lead
I must admit to being a bit controlling in nature. My husband and children would call that a massive understatement, but I’ll leave it at “a bit.” This often conflicts greatly with my Christian walk. There are far too many times I get frustrated with God when things aren’t going the way I’ve worked so […]