My daughter travelled the world alone this summer which pretty much left me an anxiety filled mess. When she moved out almost 2 years ago, my husband and I started transforming her old room into a workout area. So over the past few months, to keep me from focusing on the danger that my precious daughter could possibly be in, we finally finished the project and now have an amazing war room for body and soul.
My birthday and Mother’s Day fall in the same month so I usually pick out a pretty fantastic present to kick off summer with. This year I chose a rowing machine and I absolutely love it. It’s a great allover workout while being easy on the joints, a great combination for a woman like me who still has quite a bit of weight to lose.
My sweet hubby and son covered one of the walls with mirrors which stresses me out at times, but I think it will keep me in there a little longer. Here is a panoramic shot of the room where you can hopefully see the mirrored wall:
To offset the stress of seeing myself in the giant mirror wall, I hung the beautiful Inner Beauty Mirror I made for my daughter in there too. (She’s leaving it here for safekeeping.) It’s a perfect reminder with the words of 1 Peter 3:3-4 showing what true beauty is and telling us not to focus on our outward appearance.
Here’s the greatest part of this new space of mine: it’s a war room for not only my body, but my soul as well!
I’ve been reading Fervent by Priscilla Shirer with my Thursday morning girlfriends. Each week, she talks about a new area to develop a battle strategy for. We fill an index card with prayer requests for each other and the other side holds the plan of attack using the PRAY method and relevant scriptures.
You can see by my packed words on My Past card, that is an important area for me. If you’ve been here before, you probably know I’m a recovering addict. This can lead to a lot of unnecessary guilt and shame that I’m going to finally defeat with God’s grace and assistance in my new war room.
In Fervent, Priscilla Shirer discusses using the PRAY method: Praise, Repentance, Asking, Yes. She shares several scriptures in each section to use for Yes where you pray God’s promises with His Word. I’m loving this method so far. My six strategies (we have 4 more to go) are hanging on a bulletin board in my war room.
There’s also a card for my husband, daughter, and son with specific areas I want to pray for each of them. The card with Cartoon Candace on it is for this online space and prayer requests for the members of our community. The two 5X7 verse photos are part of the gift printables package for subscribers of my free newsletter.
I can grab a couple of cards every time I go to workout, which hopefully will be often now that my war room is finally completed. There’s a dry erase calendar next to the bulletin board. I think I’ll add what workout to do each day and maybe even which areas and people to pray for. I’m not quite that organized yet though.
If you don’t have a whole room to give up, maybe try hanging a bulletin board next to a piece of exercise equipment in a corner somewhere. I would love to hear in the comments any other tips you have for war rooms or your time with God. Feel free to drop a prayer request there as well!
This post is also part of the monthly Turning to Food series. You can learn more about my food addiction story in An Addict’s Journey or you may want to check out some of the other monthly updates.

Love this! What an awesome room! I think we all need one! I haven’t read Fervent yet, but this makes me want to! Thank you for sharing this!
It’s a great book, Micah! I would definitely recommend it.
We don’t have a war room, though I tend to find words and phrases that inspire or keep me focused that I like to keep close in order to be reminded of the important things! 🙂
I love keeping positive quotes around too, Kendall. They can really change our mindset. I tend to get a little negative at times and need reminders to refocus :).
Oh wow! Your very own private gym … and that you included little momentos and items that encourage your soul is so cool, Candace. I admire your tenacity …
Thanks, Linda! I’m so happy with how the room turned out. Now I just need to get in the habit of going in there ;).
Candace my sweet friend that’s an impressive space you’ve got there. I commend you for creating a space to nourish your mind, body massage spirit. I pray that you come to see the mirrors as a blessing; that every time you catch a glimpse in the mirror that you are reminded that YOU are fearfully and wonderfully made, that you are the apple of his eye, that he loves you with an everlasting love. You’ve got such great light coming into the room too. I pray that when you are in that space, that you are completely saturated in the light of his love.
I will take your words with me today, Tyra. Thank you for reframing my thoughts about the mirror, my friend. And I love connecting that beautiful sun that shines in the room with His light. Perfect :).
What a great project! You and I are very similar, work and action helps me to forget those worries. I don’t blame you for being nervous. I bet she had an amazing time, but oh our mama’s hearts take a beating during times like that!
Keeping focused on a project definitely helps me, Jen. She had an incredible summer but there were some very scary situations. She was about 10 minutes away from the recent bombings in Thailand. It was crazy. I’ll tell more about that some day but for now I’ll leave it at, I was an absolute mess :).
This is really cool, Candace. I admire your perseverance in taking care of body, mind, and spirit. You truly are an inspiration. Blessings and hugs to you!
Hi Trudy! I hope you had some blissfully relaxing time off, my friend. I’m still not doing too great at making a habit of going in this lovely new room, but I’m working on it :). Blessings and hugs to you!
LOVE LOVE LOVE IT Candace!! What a perfect war room! Good for YOU, for taking such bold steps toward health and wellness on EVERY level with this new exercise room. I love this idea.
Thanks so much, Chris! I’m excited about it. It’s got everything one would need for all around great health ;).
Candace, I just love this post because it reminded me to get back to my habit of using index cards to focus my prayers once again. You have created such a wonderful room for your body and soul. Glad to have been neighbors this morning!
I have fallen in love with index cards lately, Joanne. They are the handiest little tools for so many applications. I’m glad we were neighbors too. It’s great to see you :).
I love the mirror you made for your daughter — so pretty! Combining a room for the body and soul to workout and pray in is brilliant! 🙂
Thanks, Valerie! I’m happy to have that mirror safely back home for now :). Those verses are such a great reminder for me every time I enter the room..
Love your room. What a great idea! I found myself praying out loud on a riding mower a couple of weeks ago. Loved it and hope the neighbors weren’t shocked, but it was my war room for the moment.
I love that, Debbie! We really can make a war room wherever we are. Thanks for that reminder :).
Candance, you are such an inspiration to all of us and I have learned so much from you. I need to leave myself notes to remind me I am a child of God and he is the only one I need to please.
Thank you for that sweet statement, Tammy. And I so agree about the notes! The more of these we can leave around the house, the better adjusted our minds will stay :).
Proud of you Candace. I love this war room for body and soul! What a cool project you have accomplished there. I know you your spirit will be nourished in there and that will impact your physical well being. Just start slow so you don’t hurt yourself. The rowing machine is cool too! I have carved out a little space away from my computer desk where i go to God in prayer and study His word. You have inspired me to go and do my physical therapy exercises:)
I hope you have a wonderful weekend and find peace about your daughter. God is watching over her. Blessings to you and yours!
I hope you got your exercising in, Horace :). I really need to get in the habit of spending time every day in my new room, even if it’s just 15 minutes. I’m a work in progress in this area. My daughter is home safe right now so I’m just basking in that at the moment. Many blessings to you and yours as well!
Love your health war room. This is such a great space to help your accomplish your fitness goals.
Thanks, Sonya! My daughter is getting much more use out of it than I am right now, but I’m excited to finally have it all ready :).
What an awesome war room! The Inner Beauty Mirror is a great idea 🙂
Thanks so much, Akaleistar! That mirror is one of my favorite projects from my crafting days :).
Indeed it is a great room for healthy living in all levels! I should have tried this a long time ago.
It’s a nice room to have, Lux! I love how it covers every important type of health :).
So happy to have come across you, your, blog, your war room and your story. Keep up the great work of sharing Truth!
Thank you, Shandra! It’s wonderful to have you here :).