I have tried to live a healthy lifestyle so many times in the past. Each failed attempt has brought me further into discouragement. It seems like I start out with amazing, unbridled determination only to fall to a humiliating low a few short days later. I truly believe the difference this time is the level of support I am receiving.
If you decide to embark on a journey to a healthier lifestyle, here are some places to look for your support system:
Finding Support in our Families
I am fortunate to have a husband who loves me dearly and will do what he can to support me. We have struggled over the years to find the same path to a healthy life. He tries to control his weight more with exercise, while I try harder with food.
Unfortunately, this usually means he is eating whatever he wants and I am completely sedentary. We are putting so much into our chosen focus, we have nothing left for the other side. Honestly, both diet and exercise are integral parts of well-being but that is a whole other topic, i.e. future post…
You do not have to be on the same program as the family member(s) you choose for support. Seek out those that have your best interest at heart. They will be the ones to speak the words you need to hear in your desperate moments. My husband, regardless of where his own health is at the time, always knows exactly what to say to encourage and support me.
Finding Support in Friendships
Friends, both online and real-life, have been key to my success so far. There are a few people in my life struggling alongside me with their own food battles. They help me tremendously just by knowing we are fighting for the same goal. We pray for each other, share recipes, and are comforted in knowing a phone call, text, email, or visit can connect us at any necessary moment.
My new online community is an incredible asset to me. I have been blessed with so many new friends through my blog. You provide cheers, prayers, and encouragement. I am forever thankful to each of you for your loving support.
Finding Support Groups
There is a reason Weight Watchers is so wildly popular. The support groups bond a group of individuals with a common interest, sharing their wins and losses each week. What a fantastic system! I plan to start visiting the Food Addicts Anonymous Support Groups soon.
FAA offers four options:
- In-Person Meetings
- Phone Meetings
- Online Meetings
- The FAA Online Loop
Check out the website for details. I have been receiving the emails for months from the Loop, but haven’t actively participated. Reading through them has been a great source of encouragement, as have the phone calls I have listened to. In the next couple of weeks, I want to start sharing instead of just being a bystander.
Finding Support in God
Last, but certainly not least, my faith in God is stronger today than it has ever been. I have wanted to believe for so long in this ultimate being that gives me strength and fights for me. So many of my other attempts to stop eating all of these unhealthy foods have been in vain largely due to my disbelief in that truth.
Today, I am confident enough in His existence to call on Him throughout the day. Always knowing He will answer and help me to say no to all of those nutrient deprived foods literally calling my name…
No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind.
And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear.
But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.
~1 Corinthians 10:13
He is my way out…
If you are new here, this post is part of my 31 Days to Food Addiction Recovery series. Please check out the other posts and the series details if you have the time.
Hey candy cane, always helping other get through it, making it easier for thier battle. Its a blessing you are able to share insight to those in the same situation, knowing they and you are not alone. Keep going my friend we supporting you through it all
Candy cane :)! That is cute Camii! I haven’t been called Candy in so long but I actually went by that as a kid. I truly hope others will find help in my sharing. Thanks for all your support my friend!!
Anytime my friend 🙂
I was meant to come visit you today. I need to read your series.
I am not a food addict but I have a lousy diet. And I am looking for support.
Not getting it from family and close friends.
I wanted to be sure you saw there is going to be an altered shoe challenge this month.
It makes it incredibly difficult when your family and friends do not support you. I hope you find some comfort here! Let me know if you have any questions or I can help you in any way. Thanks for the shoe challenge link. I will check it out!
Gisela Dieter
You are SO right…the level of support we have/feel when we are embarking on a difficult journey is key. Along with a strong prayer life and a high dose of Bible reading, a support system is one of those tools Our Maker provides so we don’t crumble on the road. He is a relational God and of course He created us to be relational also. He provides what and who we need in our path. First of all, He provides His Spirit to dwell in us and that’s from where we derive our strength, and that’s from where everything else flows. Take good care of yourself. Looking forward to your update tomorrow! (can’t wait for those home made frozen meal ideas : )
I completely agree with you Gisela! We are absolutely meant to be relational. It is when I go to my cave and become anti-social that i find myself in the darkest places. Unfortunately, I tend to do just that, often. I am getting better about it though. This 31 days series has helped because I have committed to connecting with others here and on friends’ inspiring blogs like yours almost every day.
No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind.
And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear.
But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.
~1 Corinthians 10:13
I forget sometimes that Jesus was a man. Although I don’t imagine him ever over-indulging in a giant tub of ice cream–I do know that he may have been tempted while he was here, but never strayed into gluttony. Although it is a funny thought to think of Jesus looking at a giant pile of sweets… I know He went through every struggle that we experience and conquered it all. Thanks for this Biblical dose of encouragement to endure!
I am fairly new to the Bible honestly. My husband used to watch me read self-help books and he would always tell me, “The Bible is the best self-help book you can read…” I finally get that, it really is! I’m so glad you could be encouraged by it too Judith. Thanks for all your support to me through this trying time!