As with most 12-step groups, Food Addicts Anonymous uses the concept of a higher power to surrender your addiction to. This is a term I have struggled with throughout my years in various recovery meetings.
A Higher Power can be anything at all that the member believes is adequate.
Reported examples include their twelve-step group, Nature,
consciousness, existential freedom, God, science, Buddha.
It is frequently stipulated that as long as a higher power is
“greater” than the individual, then the only condition is that it should
also be loving and caring. ~Wikepedia (emphasis added)
This definition provides the 2 things I find most necessary in a higher power. Something greater than myself that is loving and caring. Today, that something for me is without a doubt, God.
Finding a Higher Power in recovery can be a difficult task for those of us who lost our faith somewhere in the long, hard journey. There is always hope though. God is there for us when we’re ready to return. Jesus is the way…
Through the blood of Jesus, we are forgiven for all the mistakes our pasts hold. This is sometimes hard to understand for those of us feeling tarnished from overwhelming addictions overtaking our bodies, minds, and souls for far too many years.
I can remember listening to people in meetings going on about their higher power. It always seemed to be referred to as God. I couldn’t relate, always trying to find my higher power in one of the other choices Wikipedia provides above.
But hearing God’s name escape from so many lips continued to call me. Maybe this was because He was fighting so hard for me back then. I refused to believe. This led to many relapses and unnecessary lonely roads.
I am so grateful to be a true believer today. Through this path to food addiction recovery I am walking hand-in-hand with Him. Trusting Him. My previous addiction walks were really more of me being dragged, kicking and screaming, completely unsure if I would survive the journey to recovery.
I am at peace now. Still scared. Still nervous I won’t make it to that beautiful, binge-free, sugar and wheat neglected freedom. But oddly enough, at peace.
My relationship with God today allows me to trust in abiding by the incredible instruction manual provided to us through the Bible. I am learning my body is not mine to destroy.
Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.
~1 Corinthians 6:19-20
Verses like these can guide and strengthen us in all those weak moments coming our way. Today I am feeling strong, but we are only in day 2!! For those of you just joining me in this journey, please checkout the index page for my 31 Days to Food Addiction Recovery.
I want to leave you with the 7th Step Prayer of Food Addicts Anonymous. This can be found in their wonderful book of daily meditations, Food for the Soul. If you are fighting your own food battle alongside me, this is a great prayer to start each day with. Know that I will be speaking the words with you every morning.
God, help me listen to my Higher Self as You and I
make the changes in my life that will allow me
to live a free, useful and happy life.
Help me to not find fault with all that I do
and with those who cross my path.
As I continue to stay abstinent,
help me be released from the cravings
for foods that are not in my best interest.
Help me learn that food is to nourish my body so my
spirit can carry out your plans for me.
Help me to be compassionate, trusting, forgiving,
loving and kind to myself and others as
I serve you and the people on earth.
Candace Your candor will surely be a beacon to those who are on the road and/ or who find themselves struggling….
Thanks for sharing your Faith:)
Thank you Chris! I really hope this series can help others. There are so many struggling with addiction. I truly believe the more Faith we acquire, the more freedom we attain!
Gisela Dieter
Amen! That is a beautiful prayer. thank you for sharing it. I pray it together with you. I know there are foods I eat that are not to nourish my body, and I am convicted by the thought…I need to keep praying for the strength to give them up and the discipline to be abstinent…I’m not near there yet, though…I am proud of you, sister! Christ is in you and He leads your every step.
Your words are always so comforting Gisela. Thank you! I am trying to remember to say that prayer throughout the day. It is very powerful!
Lisa notes
Thank you for sharing that beautiful prayer. Whether we consider ourselves food addicts or not, that will speak to many of us, myself included. I appreciate you sharing this piece of your journey with us.
I completely agree Lisa. That prayer can be used by almost anyone. I’m glad you found comfort in it. Thanks so much for visiting!
“You stay safe, You love. You survive. You laugh and cry and struggle and sometimes you fail and sometimes you succeed. You Push.” Carrie Ryan
Keep going Candace, one day at a time.
I always love your quotes Camii! Thank you for your continued support. Today I am taking one hour at a time :).
Mari Corona
As always Candace love your honesty. Great read 🙂
Thank you Mari! It’s always a pleasure to hear from you. So glad you stopped by.
Thanks for this! It’s great to have these resources handy! And also to find someone who gets the struggle day in and day out!
I definitely understand the struggle Beth! I fight it daily. Honestly, the holidays have not been good for my eating plan since this series ended. I am feeling hopeful to get started again. This prayer is a great way to begin the day. I’m so glad you have found some help here!