I’m a quitter. I love to start new projects, but finishing is not an area in which I excel. From half-finished crafts around my house to the trim in my bathroom I never painted to match the rest of the walls, I too quickly move on to the next line of my to-do list.
Sometimes I think the beautiful quote about not giving in until the miracle happens literally screams out to me periodically throughout my days. It seems to beckon loudly at first, but when I finally drop the current project, it turns to a whisper and finally just disappears.
I give up. Before the miracle happens. Every time…
It’s not that I lose faith in my path. Usually boredom sets in. Or it just gets too hard. Maybe there is even a little fear of true success that sneaks in. Perhaps even self-sabotage.
I had a lifelong dream of owning a coffee shop. Around 10 years ago, I started one with my husband. It was an immensely exciting time, setting everything up, meeting my new regular customers, learning how to run a business… Two years later, we shut it down and moved away.
Too hard.
Hobbies come and go quickly with me. Scrapbooking, jewelry making, sewing,… I’m great about buying all the supplies. I have a beautiful brand new, hardly used sewing machine as proof. Somewhere along the way I drop these projects from my schedule.
Boredom, I suppose.
For the past two years, I’ve found an incredible love for writing. This blog came about to share that love with others. Lately I’ve been slacking off around here. My original posting schedule of twice a week drifted into once a week, more often even less.
Self-sabotage. Fears of failure/success…
After last week’s rant, I decided to rethink this quitter mentality in a couple of important areas. My health goals have been on the back burner and I haven’t posted a Turning to Food update in months. That cycle will be broken in August. Stay tuned for how I’m pressing forward with my food addiction fight.
I’m also refusing to quit this online space. As the new school year approaches for my son, I know my schedule will slide beautifully back into place. Summer definitely throws me off.
My writing, even with all the extra work this blog entails, will move forward. Thankfully, I have a trip to Allume, a blog conference booked for October, to ensure this happens.
This incredibly encouraging verse is now engrained in my heart:
Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. ~Galatians 6:9 (NIV)
We will reap a harvest if we don’t give up.
Wait for the miracle…
My miracle looks like consistency on this blog, publishing a book, and an amazing, growing community. The last one is already quickly being established thanks to you.
If you are struggling with quitting something because of fears or it’s just getting too hard, try giving it a little more time. Hang in there, my friend. The harvest is coming…
What does your miracle look like? Is there an area of your life where you are weary and ready to give up? I would love to hear from you. Let’s help each other to keep moving forward.
Candace, I rather read your blog once a week or once a month, than lose the inspiration and encouragement completely. I’ve come to believe that some people are starters, some workers, and some are finishers. The starters are the ones with creative and artistic minds. They birth the idea and rally the workers to bring it about. The finishers come in, usually goal and detail oriented, to finish the race. We need all in our lives. God has given us each unique gifts. I hope these words encourage you to look at yourself a little differently — you are not a quitter– you are a starter. You have a creative mind and God is blessing so many because you share with your readers with honest transparency. We don’t have to do everything perfectly. We are only called to do God’s work, and in doing so, to love others — and to love ourselves because we are his child. God’s grace covers the messiness of our lives and weaves each moment into his perfect plan for us. Be blessed, and carry on!
You have encouraged me greatly this morning, Staci! Thank you for your sweet and thoughtful comment. I have just renamed myself “a starter” instead of the much more negative connotation of quitter. Thanks so much for that! I love it :). There is beautiful truth in everything you have written here. Many blessings to you!
Yes sweet Candace, I know all about it. I think mine is driven from fear of disappointment. As a child I was let down so many time that now I don’t give myself permission to expect greatness. But those days are over for me. Since March, I’ve released myself and have taken the limits off what God can do in and with my life. My blog was one thing I delayed out of fear. I blamed it on no time and my perfectionist nature. I even said I was patiently waiting on the Lord to release me to do the blog. He replied, “Don’t blame that on me. I’m waiting for you”. So all the info sat in a notebook for nearly 4 years. I’ve written a small recipe book that’s nearly done. I’ve given myself a deadline of my birthday (Aug 15) to have it completed. Your words here have given me the nudge to keep pressing toward the mark. Harvest time is coming! BTW, I’m glad to have you back. I’ve missed you.
I’ve missed you too, my friend! Summer just throws me for a loop. I really thrive on a schedule and haven’t had one in months. I love the idea of a recipe book from you, Tyra. You must publish that. Happy almost birthday :)! My baby boy becomes a teenager this week.
I can relate to so much you have said here. I blame my perfectionism far too often. I love the reply you heard! “Don’t blame that on me. I’m waiting for you.” Beautiful! I’m so thankful you listened.
Linda Stoll
Sometimes we just have to speak our struggles out loud and some kind of release comes, a permission to move forward. Speaking what’s true about where we are seems to offer us a courage or a strength to fight our fears or our boredom or whatever is tripping us up.
I, for one, am grateful you’re going to keep on writing. I would miss you and what you put on the table if you were gone.
Coffee shop, huh? Would have loved to visit you there, too!
We would have enjoyed some good times at my old coffee shop, Linda ;). It is something I’ll never regret doing as it was a life long dream, but it was A LOT of work. There are times I really miss it, but I know it was definitely just a season of my life.
I so agree with you about speaking our truth. It really helps us to see it all and move through it. I’m truly grateful for you, my friend.
I know this all too well. I’ve been slacking off from writing over the past month and I just started this spring. Thank you for putting things in perspective and encouraging us to push on. Blessed to be your neighbor from #testimonytuesday.
Keep moving forward, Samantha! I have taken many breaks from the blog over the past 2 years, but it always calls me back :). Those times away are so important for us.
Thank you for sharing this, Candace. I agree with Staci. 🙂 You’re a starter, not a quitter. But I know how you feel. I started an art journal some time ago, but all of a sudden I stopped and can’t get started again. I got all these art supplies just sitting in my closet. I don’t know what’s holding me back except that I think I’m not good enough. That often gets in the way of a lot of things. I write a blog post once a week, but sometimes I’m so tempted to quit. I think I too quickly compare myself to others and fall short. But deep down I feel God doesn’t want me to quit. Hang in there, Candace, with your writing. I love it. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself though. Write when you can. A mom’s job is so important, and summers can be so busy. Hugs!
I hope you never quit your blog, Trudy! You are so encouraging and honest. I truly understand the struggle though. Comparison can be a nightmare, along with all of the hard work we put in.
Summers are definitely rough for me. Although I’ll miss my son tremendously when he goes back to school, I do love a forced schedule. It’s always great to see you, my friend.
Karla @SmallTownRambler
Candace, thank you for this encouragement! I was listening to Spirit FM last night and the radio announcer was talking about God using a time when you struggled, to bless and encourage others. You have really done that for me today. I tend to be a quitter too, but don’t always like to admit it. It’s definitely fear of failure…and boredom…and not being able to figure it all out. God is working this out in me, I know it, but I need to recognize that I need Him in this matter and that I need to stop trying to take things on and handle everything…some things I just need to let go! It isn’t always because I’m bored or tired with something…sometimes, I can take on too much and I know it’s really not the best time or thing to get into.
Hi, Karla! I’m so glad this encouraged you. I can completely relate to taking on too much. That is definitely another one of my issues that forces me to let some things go. I forget far too often to go to God instead of trying to do everything on my own. I end up running in circles when it would have been so much easier to check in with Him first :).
You are so encouraging, and it’s nice to be reminded that the harvest is coming 🙂
Thanks, Akaleistar! It’s a much needed reminder for me too. I unfortunately forget it often. Maybe I need to post those 4 little powerful words around my house: The harvest is coming :).
LuAnn Braley
I’m great at making lists of things to do.
I’m pretty good at getting them started.
I’m a dang professional at getting sidetracked and not finishing very many things at all.
I remember hearing a story about business (from somewhere – but don’t ask me where because I have no clue *lol*) that the reason so many great entrepreneurs wind up losing control of their businesses is because while they are skilled at starting a business, they are not so hot at actually running the business. It’s a different mindset. And, IMO, the world needs both kinds of people!
I’m just coming out of a spell where no matter how many books I read (whether just for me or as part of a book tour), I could not bring myself to write reviews. … I KNOW!?! I felt terrible, but even getting paid by the word (I wish!) would not have been enough to get me in the chair in front of my computer.
God didn’t give me some ‘magic pill’ to make it all go away. He did not solve the situation for me. But He certainly stuck with me until the fog started to clear. I think He does that sometimes to help me (people) grow in ability and character, to learn how to and desire to do things for myself (as opposed to by myself).
Yeah, I know. I’m rambling. I’ll try to come back now. :O) The Allume blog conference sounds like a great time in the making. Is this the one you’ve been to before? Looking forward to hearing all about it! Take care, my friend! *hugs*
I can’t imagine you not doing your reviews, LuAnn! Your consistency has always impressed me. I’m glad to hear you are coming out of such a difficult phase, my friend. You are so right about us not getting a magic pill, but God really does stick with us in these rough seasons. Hugs to you!
Chris Carter
OH friend… you are such a GIFT!!! Your words… oh how they always move me! Don’t ever give up! This message is just so profound and beautiful and encouraging all at once. I was heading up to bed, and thought “Oh Candace! I simply must catch her latest!”
And oh, sweet dear love… your honesty is just gorgeous. I can’t tell you how many times I have failed to deliver on my quest! I get it. But in your inadequacies, your gift shines! In what you deem as failings, God sees as a beautiful child simply trying her best. I think creative souls tend to be a bit sporadic, ya know? On to the next! Or perhaps, just living in that moment that inspires us.
I’m so glad you wrote this. It speaks volumes to both your authenticity and your integrity. That verse is perfect. The race is still ON!!! You got this. We got this. Ebb and flow girlfriend… ebb and flow.
*The harvest is coming*
“I think creative souls tend to be a bit sporadic.” Amen, my friend! Thank you for your sweet support, Chris. You have greatly encouraged me. We got this!!
Ooh. I’m a part of your miracle. 🙂
I think we all have our own battles. But the good news is we’re winning and learning. 🙂
You are definitely part of my miracle, Lux! I so appreciate seeing beautiful and familiar faces such as yours around here :).
Kristin Hill Taylor
God does such mighty works while we wait. It’s hard when we can’t see what he’s doing, but remember he is for us. Miracles are coming – just keep seeking him. Thanks for sharing your heart here and encouraging others to keep on trusting and believing.
Thanks so much for the encouragement, Kristin. It can be so hard when we don’t understand His plan, but you are definitely right, no matter what, “he is for us” :).
Mary Geisen
You are not quitter and your beautiful heart is being prepared to open up and fly. I see many amazing things ahead for you. Love how you have spoken to all of us of your dreams, frustrations and future goals. You can do it!
It’s funny you mention a coffee shop because I always picture myself working at one and ministering to people along the way. Writing is a beautiful part of who you are and I have an idea for us to keep us both going during the long winter. 🙂 Thank you for sticking with it and for showing us you are vulnerable and real just like we are. Love you!
I could absolutely see you doing that through a coffee shop, Mary! You would bless so many, my friend. I can’t wait to hear your idea to keep us pushing forward :). I need all the great ideas I can get!
Joanne Viola
Candace, I am glad you are not giving up. May we be too stubborn to give up and too afraid to miss out on the harvest He has for us. May we dig down deep & press on in & through His strength. Grateful to have stopped here this afternoon!
I’m so grateful you stopped by too, Joanne. I love what you’ve said here. That is the kind of stubbornness and fear I want to have :).
Wow, this is me…waiting for a miracle! Thanks for your honesty and sharing your heart, Candace. I love that verse in Galatians, because I have to admit I find myself very weary at the moment and wanting to give up. It takes a daily (sometimes hourly!) choice to press on and be filled with HOPE. I know the Lord has not forgotten me, and He has a GOOD plan for my life! The best will come! Blessings to you~Ashley
He has an AMAZING plan for your life, Ashley. Don’t give up! I know it’s hard, but as you so beautifully stated: “The best will come!” Post that on your mirror so you will see it every morning as you patiently wait :). Many blessings to you!
I definitely have days were I feel like giving up on my blog. But instead of quitting I just do less until I feel motivated to do more.
I also, sometimes have a hard time sticking to a workout routine. I usually start seeing results and think it’s ok to take a day off. My one day off then turns into a few weeks off and I have to start all over again. So I have the same struggle.
I’ve been following that same logic, Sonya. Do less for a while until I’m motivated again. I think that helps a lot. I’m so with you on working out too! It’s hard to get back started after taking time away from it. I’m really trying to get moving again but really struggling in that area.
Lisa Morris
Hi Candace!
Have you been spying on me? You just described me to the T. Thank you so much for your honest and open words. I have been encouraged today:) I want to encourage you to keep on and never stop! God Bless You:)
Sadly, I think many of us have these feelings and habits, Lisa. I’m so glad you found encouragement here today. Many blessings to you!
Lisa notes
Boredom–yes, that’s often why I quit a project too. I started a project several months ago (or was it last year???) of transferring my old VHS home tapes to digital. I got a lot done, but then laid it aside and haven’t picked it back up. Maybe your words here will encourage me to start again! Thanks, Candace.
That sounds like a fantastic project, Lisa. Maybe not while you’re completing it, but what a wonderful keepsake you will end up with. I definitely hope you were encouraged to finish it, but I certainly understand the struggle :).
Sarah Donegan
Right there with ya, as my guitar gathers dust in my bedroom. The one I was going to learn to play.
I have a guitar too, Sarah. I don’t think I’ve touched it since I brought it home from the store 10 years ago. I kept thinking about taking classes to force me to try it, but as so many things do, it faded away. I hope you learn to play yours someday! Maybe we can start a band ;).
Mrs. AOK
Oh my goodness, I have a tendency to not follow through and I hate it! Notice I half way shared what I’m up to on my blog because 1) because I’m sure I can pull it off, 2) there’s a lot going on in my life right now, and 3) I’m afraid I’ll give up halfway. Anyway, I do not plan on quitting, and now that I sort of put it out there I feel like I NEED to follow through. If you don’t mind, I may need a few people to call on when I finally finish… 🙂
You can pull it off, Dean! I have total faith in you :). Feel free to call on me. I would love to help any way I can. I so agree about putting things out there. My follow through increases exponentially if I announce something before I finish it!
Lanae Bond
There are so many times I get weary! I sometimes want to quit blogging or quit believing that I will get the job I desire. I get weary sometimes because I feel that I may fail or that what I am doing is not right. As long as I am doing God’s will then I know that what I am doing in life is right for me. Thanks for the encouragement!
I’m so glad you found encouragement here, Lanae! I get that way with blogging often as well. It can be a love-hate relationship at times. You are so right though, as long as we are following His will, which I truly believe for me is writing, we are in the right place.