Today is a BRAND NEW day—a perfectly good reason to get up and start over. Never give up.
-Richelle E. Goodrich, Making Wishes
Every morning when our eyes open, we start over. After the many thousands of days we’ve already experienced this, I would think the thought of starting over wouldn’t be so scary. Yet somehow, it is often quite terrifying.
I’ve been in this situation so many times in my life I’ve lost count. Giving up drugs and alcohol almost 2 decades ago was one of the biggest new beginnings of my past. A painful divorce ranks up there with my most difficult starting over memories as well.
Today, my addiction to sugar causes me to start over at least once a week as I continue to fight its overwhelming hold on me. Can you relate?
Here’s the good news: we are not completely starting from zero every time. Just like the flowers that burst forth in spring from what seems like absolutely nothing, we have roots. Those roots give each new beginning incredible power to bloom stronger and more beautiful than ever before.
The most important lesson I continue to learn is in order to start over successfully, I must be rooted in Christ. By spending time with Him, regrouping at each crossroad or even just praying for a few moments each morning, these dawns bring a brighter light than I could ever create on my own.
And now, just as you accepted Christ Jesus as your Lord, you must continue to follow him. Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness.
~Colossians 2:6-7 (NLT, emphasis added)
Whether you’re starting over after a food binge from last night, years of alcohol and drug addiction, or a weekend capsized in bed with depression, I can truly relate. Perhaps your struggle is completely different from mine. Regardless, the way to start over is the same.
Just put one foot in front of the other and walk a new path. We must forgive ourselves for any past mistakes, repent, and move forward in a healthier way.
God can deliver us and shine His light on that new path if we let Him. We “will overflow with thankfulness” as we release those old strongholds that no longer serve us.
It’s never too late for us thanks to Jesus. We are forgiven. If God can still use me to share my story in this space after all the sins of my past, there is hope for anyone.
He graciously released me from years of drug and alcohol addiction, crippling anxiety and depression, and many more struggles I never imagined I would find even a small bit of freedom from. This doesn’t mean I will never fight these issues again. I must choose daily not to take a drink or crawl in my bed and let the sadness win.
Today, I continue to start over with making healthy food choices. But again, I’m not starting at zero or alone. I’m rooted in Him and have all the lessons of my past to help me continue to fight the good fight.
Just as my gorgeous backyard red roses bloom brighter and thicker after the yearly snow is long gone, I find renewed endurance with each new step towards a healthy lifestyle. Every time I begin again is from a bolder place further along my path.
Do you need to start over today? Remember this is part of every beautiful journey. There’s no need to ever see starting over as a failure, no matter how many times it happens. New beginnings should be filled with hope, not dread. We never know what amazing adventures God will lead us into!
Join me on this stumbling journey towards health by subscribing to my free newsletter so we can get to know each other better.
This post is part of my Turning to Food series. You can learn more about my food addiction story in An Addict’s Journey or you may want to check out some of the other monthly updates.
Starting over can be so hard, more so when it is not by choice. I think it is really in those moments that it feels most like starting from zero. This was a great post. Thank you for sharing!
I completely agree, Brittney. Those are definitely the most difficult start overs! When we choose new beginnings for a specific reason, we feel more empowered. But the good news is God is with us in all of our starting over moments, whether we choose them or not :).
Sarah Geringer
Beautifully vulnerable post, Candace. I like how you say we don’t start from scratch–we have roots. Pinning this!
Those roots really make all the difference! It took me a long time to realize they were always there. Thanks so much for sharing, Sarah.
Great post, and lovely, inspiring images! I am a BIG believer in first, second, third and maybe even more chances. Each day should be one where we celebrate the good, and look for opportunities to start something afresh.
I’m a total believer in that too, Jen! It took me a million chances to get sober all those years ago. Knowing that allows me to keep hope that my health journey is never over as well :).
Joanne Viola
Candace, this is such an encouraging post. Thank you for bringing to mind that our God’s mercies are new every morning. He has a fresh supply waiting to be poured out onto use each day. Starting over is never easy but we can do it as He begin again in His strength. May He douse you with hope today! Blessings!
I love the thought of a fresh supply of His mercies every day, Joanne. Thanks for that beautiful reminder! Many blessings to you as well.
Barrie Bismark
Very encouraging post. We all have to “Start over” in one thing or another. Every day is a fresh start. Thank you for sharing your story. #happynowlinkup
There really is always something to start over, Barrie. Even if it’s as simple as a new day. Thanks for stopping by :).
Mary Geisen
Love the quote from Dolly Parton. I see you doing that in your own life. There is a new perseverance and determination about you that makes you very brave.
God is so gracious to give us a do over with each new day. He will never give up on us even when we have lost our way. Thank you for such beautiful encouragement today.
Thank you for this encouragement, my friend. It’s inspiring to know you see this in me, Mary. I struggle with all 3 of those things: perseverance, determination, and bravery ;). But I really am feeling improvements in them every day!
I love this, Candace. Yes, being rooted in Christ is so essential in our lives. This is such a comforting thought – “Those roots give each new beginning incredible power to bloom stronger and more beautiful than ever before.” Thank you for always encouraging us to forgive ourselves and persevere. To keep taking the next step forward. Love and hugs to you!
It took me over 40 years to even consider rooting myself in Him, Trudy. It’s really made all the difference in my life. Love and hugs to you, my friend!
I love your point about how we never really start over. So much truth here!
It’s a very freeing and empowering thought, Sarah. I still have to remind myself of it every time I start over to try to combat the frustration. I’m definitely a work in progress with this ;).
Being a child of God, we don’t have to worry about our mistakes anymore. He doesn’t and always forgives when we make mistakes. Great post.
What a perfect and encouraging point, Tammy! We need to think of mistakes like He does and just move on. Thanks so much for sharing that!
So very beautiful my friend. Thank you for sharing a new view to help with all things that we must start new again. A great reminder that we have roots that will help us!
Hi Camille!! I’m a work in progress with this, my friend. I can still get a little sad when starting over, but consciously switching my mindset really helps so much. Those roots change everything!
Gail E
I needed this and appreciate the raw honesty I went back to school to become an Esthetician in my late 40’s. I always said I want to work in medical spa field. I also said I’m too old to start my own business I never will do that. After 3 terrible experiences God has brought me to the not going to’s. I’ve had this experience with drugs too (I will never try that) guess what I did. I will never get remarried (going on 8 years with my best friend and husband) you would think by now I would take “never” out of my vocabulary. But God’s grace and mercy’s are new every morning and today I’m a little fearful but that’s when I personally grow the most. God even showed off one night and spoke Amazing Face Day Spa! It’s His Amazing Grace that covers each and every person. Wish me luck-I Know with God leading me I cannot fail. Blessings, Gail
Wishing you so much luck and so many blessings, Gail! You can do this. I absolutely love the name Amazing Face Day Spa! That is fantastic. I’m really trying to remove the words “never” and “too old” from my vocabulary as well. It can be tough when they become habitual. I’m so excited for your new venture. Push through that fear and I have no doubt He will bring you all the success you could ever dream of :).
I love the idea that I’m not starting from zero every time I start over. That is really a new way of thinking for me. Thanks for that nugget!
That thought just came to me recently, Christa. It has already been a game changer for me and I hope it serves you well too. It never ceases to amaze me how God never stops teaching us new things to make life a little brighter.
Linda Stoll
Hi Candace … thanks for the reminder that we’re not starting from zero, from scratch, from back at square one. We’ve learned much along the way and God is growing us with each step.
His mercies are new every morning, aren’t they …
Praise God.
It’s really been such a helpful concept for me to finally grasp, Linda. To picture each new beginning as being closer to our goals is really quite exciting and liberating :).
Donna Reidland
I love your reminder that we don’t start over again from nothing. I never thought of it that way, but it’s true. All those things God has allowed in our lives and taught us in the past are there, waiting to spring up through the cold ground. Thanks for sharing. Blessings!
Yes! Waiting to spring up from the cold ground, I love that, Donna. Blessings to you as well!
Rebecca Jones
It is a good thing His mercies are new every morning.
Such a freeing thought, Rebecca. It’s taken me a long time to realize that truth. It really changes everything!
Christine Carter
Oh Candace, this is so encouraging to us all- who doesn’t need to start over, begin a new effort in something we seek to redeem in our lives. Your honesty and authentic transparency is such a powerful platform and witness for us all to be encouraged and strengthened in our own weaknesses and struggles. God’s mercies are new every morning, and I find comfort in this truth every day.
I find so much comfort in those beautiful mercies as well, Chris. Thank you for your sweet, encouraging words, my friend. Starting over really is something we all must deal with again and again throughout our lives. May we all find peace in each of those new beginnings!