Spiritual warfare can absolutely rock our entire world and definitely not in the good way. We’ve all been there. Life is moving along in the direction we want to go. Out of nowhere, issues pop up making us question if we are on the right path.
We can begin to wonder if it’s God telling us to reroute or is it Satan trying to destroy our plans. This is a question I’ve pondered many times on my life journey. Can you relate?
Not long ago, Lysa TerKeurst, a well known Christian writer, shared the devastating news her marriage is ending. Her husband’s repeated infidelity and substance abuse paved the way to this surprising demise of their 25 year union.
This took me back a few months to when I read another Christian blogger’s words about similar struggles and the end of her own marriage:
“But Satan – He is a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour (1 Peter 5:7,8). I know that writing here on this blog, put a target on my husband’s back. This alone breaks my heart for him. The spiritual warfare in our lives has been thick and exhausting.”
~Courtney Joseph, Women Living Well
This is spiritual warfare. It devours the good. Here are two women trying to serve and write about God’s beauty and power. As Courtney so perfectly describes, these ministries can put “a target” on our back or those we love dearly.
It’s enough to make me want to shut down this blog, all related social media accounts, and lock my precious family in a room to protect them. But we all know, bad things will still come. Kids will still get sick. Marriages will still struggle.
We must press on. We’re not promised a rose garden in this life. But it will be worth it when we get to the other side. That is our prize.
After refocusing this blog to sharing my health struggles, I thought I would immediately start losing weight to show what God can do. I gained weight instead…
The old me would have turned off the lights here and just chalked it up to another failure, but I won’t give up on my health or this hopefully encouraging space on the internet. These are things I know God would be in favor of—improved health and sharing His Word.
I understand completely now how Satan doesn’t want us showing off for God. Spiritual warfare can often be a sign that we are absolutely on the right path. While I continue to fight food addiction, I can show you all the healing He’s done for me in other addictions and mental health struggles like anxiety and depression.
He’s not finished with us yet and I’ll continue to fight the good fight around here. I’m so incredibly thankful to you for joining me. I know you are fighting your own battle today. Please let me know how I can pray for you.
Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one.
~Ephesians 6:10-16 NIV
This is July’s update in my Turning to Food series. I hope it shows you I haven’t given up and will be here to support you on your journey as well. If you are new here, my plan and part of my food addiction story can be found in An Addict’s Journey or you may want to check out some of the other monthly updates in the Turning to Food series.
Candace, I haven’t read your blog in quite a while — I’ve been experiencing Spiritual Warfare in my life, too. Because I know firsthand how difficult, and downright debilitating it can be (we all know firsthand if we recognize the force we are fighting!) — I wanted to say I’m so thankful for your stick-with-it-ness! Your words are encouraging, and real, and helpful, and painful in a way that is so relatable. I am looking forward to being able to drill down to the other articles and blogs you cited here. This is a battle, and the enemy wants us to be fearful and cower. So thankful for warriors like you who say No! Not today, satan, not today!
Thank you so much for your sweet and encouraging words, Staci. I’m sorry to hear you’ve been experiencing this struggle lately as well. Praying for you! You are so right that the enemy wants us to be fearful, but we will overcome :).
Sweet friend I am here joining you in the battle. Whether we sense it or not, we are always in a battle. The difference is wheether or not we will operate from a defensive or offensive stance. Since we know our enemy is prowling, let us be vigilant and steadfast in prayer, holding fast to the TRUTH and interceding for the family of Believers. Thank you for the invitation to unite with you in prayer.
Such truth you’ve shared here, Tyra. We really always are in a battle, my friend. Thank you for that reminder to be vigilant always. I’m so glad to have you on this journey with me!
Oh goodness I needed to read this. The air is thick here right now and I am trying to work my way through it. Staying strong and devout in the middle of storms can be tough. I am crawling, but still moving.
I’ve been doing quite a bit of crawling lately too, Jen. I can completely relate! Praying for you, my friend. I hope this helped :). It’s great to see you!
It’s so crazy that you are discussing this today. I had not thought of some of the things I have currently been wrestling as spiritual warfare. But you are absolutely correct. Thank you! It definitely puts perspective on things.
This perspective has been really surprising me too lately, Brittany. Once we start considering this though, it can be really eye opening.
Christine Carter
Candace, I have thought about you so much this summer- wondering how you were doing.
I’m so sorry you have experienced spiritual warfare, but as you say- often that is when the devil is threatened by what you’re doing for God. Or as you so perfectly said “Showing off for God…”
You have been through great adversity- and still remain faithful. What a testimony you are to us all.
I’m so grateful for your transparency. When I come here, I always ALWAYS know I will be moved and inspired.
I’ve thought about you as well, Chris! You have been missed. It’s been a crazy summer. My daughter is home from college so I’ve been pretty obsessed with her ;). I hope you had some fun times with your precious family, my friend. Thank you for your sweet and encouraging words!
What a great reminder that spiritual warfare can mean that we are on the right path.
I used to always think it meant God was telling me I’m off track, Akaleister. This new way of thinking has completely changed my perspective.
Such encouraging words Candace. We all will have spiritual warfare in our lives. But when your heart is in the right path, all is good.
Thank you, Tammy. It really is an inevitable part of life unfortunately. But you’re so right, we just need to keep our heart headed in the right direction :).
I’ve heard Satan fights harder the closer we are to a breakthrough. Keep up the good fight, Candace! Blessings!
I completely believe that, Liz! I must be getting really close ;). Blessings to you as well!
Sarah Geringer
I just got back from the She Speaks conference. They warned us that spiritual warfare would be imminent. So true…I was attacked before, during, and after the conference. But as you say, I must press on. I’m finding strength in prayer and in asking others to pray.
I’m sorry to hear about your struggles, Sarah. Those conferences seem to be magnets for spiritual warfare. I think it’s definitely due to all of the good work happening there in Jesus name :). Keep pressing on!
Robin Revis Pyke
Thank you for sharing these words as a reminder to keep pressing forward. As I read your post, I remembered Philippians 3:14, “I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.” There are many days where I just want to walk away. It’s on these days where God sends someone via PM or text or email. An individual will reach out and thank me for the encouragement or a post that inspired them. We never know who we are encouraging but God knows. He knows our hearts and our intentions. I’m discovering the more narrow the path, the greater His love and protection!
I’m always amazed by those perfectly timed emails, Robin. They make all the work and struggle so worth it. If we can just serve one person with our words, that is a job well done. Thanks for this important reminder!
Michele Morin
Candace, this is a much needed reminder that there is an enemy at work. In the busy-ness of life, I have a tendency to look at surface causes and try to solve problems logically rather than going immediately to prayer and looking for the spiritual connection.
I’m the same way, Michele. I far too often try logic over prayer when I truly know better :). What a difference when we go to Him first!
Valerie Murray
Yes to all of this! The spiritual forces of evil want us to prevent us from sharing the hope we have in Christ and want to tear apart our family. Satan also loves for us to fight against each other instead of him. It can be so hard. But I’m so glad we have the greater power in Jesus Christ that can defeat Satan. Lord, Help us to be strong in you and in Your Mighty Power!
I so agree with you, Valerie! Satan definitely wants us to turn on each other rather than use that energy to fight him. Jesus is truly the way through and out. We have so much power in Him!
Timberley @ Living Our Priorities
Spiritual Warfare is real and present but if we are not ignorant to the enemy’s devices we can overcome the battle. I love the Ephesians 6 passages and pray that daily over myself, my marraige, my family and our ministry. Knowing that all that we do for God the devil would like nothing more than to stop us. Great post. Stopping by from Grace and Truth link up.
I love that idea, Timberley! I may need to start that Ephesians 6 prayer habit as well :). Thanks for the wonderful tip!
Aimee Imbeau
Thanks for this reminder of spiritual warfare, Candace. Often we get so sidetracked in our day-to-day routines that we forget that we are in a battle. I have chosen your post as my feature for Grace and Truth this week. Please stop by and get the “I was featured” button.
We really do get sidetracked in the day-to-day and can be oblivious to the war we are fighting at times. That is such a great point, Aimee! Thanks for the feature! Sorry for the late response. I’ve been on a bit of a break :).